Where Do You Start If You Want To Write Your Own Music?

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The best musicians in the world make it look so easy. When you hear them play, it seems like the music just flows out of them, but there’s a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes. The most iconic songs in the world took years of rewrites and went through all sorts of different versions before they became the hits that we know today. If you’ve ever tried to write your own music, you’ll already know that it’s a very rewarding experience and it helps you to express yourself. But you’ll also know that it’s a lot harder than it looks. Practice is the only way to write incredible music, but there are some other things that you can do to help move the process along. These are some of the best ways to get started with writing your own music. 

Master Your Instrument 

Before you can start writing anything, you need to master your instrument. A good knowledge of different styles and techniques is the foundation that you work from when you are trying to write your own music. If you only know the basics, you are limiting yourself when writing music. Practice is the key to learning any instrument, but there are also some great online courses like Piano in 21 Days that will give you a good foundation to work from. Piano is one of the best instruments for writing on, even if it is not your preferred instrument, so you should try to pick up the basics if you can. 

Learn Your Favorite Songs 

Next, you should start learning some of your favorite songs, particularly those in the same genre that you want to write in. This will help you to improve your skills as a player and get to grips with the basic structure of a song. It will also teach you different playing techniques that you can use when writing your own music. It’s a good idea to branch out of your chosen genre as well and listen to some recent hit songs. Even if you don’t particularly like them, you can still take note of what sets them apart from other songs in the genre and work out why they were hits. Learning songs in other genres will give you more ideas that you can incorporate into your own work when you start writing. 

Find Your Own Inspiration 

The best music comes from a personal place, which is why it’s so important that you find your own inspiration. Hip hop and country music are wildly different genres, but they both appeal to their audience because they write about their own experiences in a way that people can relate to. But if a country star started writing songs about life in New York in the 90s, it wouldn’t work. It’s ok to take musical inspiration from your heroes, but don’t try to copy the content of their songs, especially the lyrics. Think about your own personal experiences and write about them. That’s the only way to write music that is genuine and will really connect with people. 

Once you have a rough draft of your first song, it’s important that you keep rewriting and honing it. As long as you are patient and you don’t get disheartened when you hit a block, you will be able to write some great songs.